How do career satisfaction and life satisfaction associate?

Purpose Life satisfaction is an ultimate goal in human existence, and it is also an important factor in the work domain. It may both trigger work-related outcomes and be influenced by work-related factors. The authors are here concerned with career satisfaction and its association with life satisfaction. From a bottom-up perspective, career satisfaction should enhance life satisfaction; from a top-down perspective, the influence should work in the reverse direction; and from an interactionist perspective reciprocal influences are conceivable. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The authors tested these perspectives in two longitudinal studies with three points of measurement each. Study 1 (n=517) covered a period of five years and Study 2 an eight-week period (n=99). The authors analyzed the data by means of latent growth curve modeling and cross-lagged analysis. Findings Both studies revealed that life satisfaction and career satisfaction are positively associated both within and across time. The directional association between both constructs is well-represented by a top-down model; further, by a reciprocal influence model. The bottom-up model received least support. Study 2 additionally showed that work centrality is a moderator. Research limitations/implications The authors discuss these findings with respect to both the relevance of life satisfaction in the work domain and the relationship between global and domain-specific life satisfaction. Originality/value The present research is the first one that investigates the association between career satisfaction and life satisfaction using two longitudinal studies.

A study on the ontology building methodology for diseases of mind diagnosis

Hyeongi Baek ◽ Mun Koo Kang

Purpose – The purpose of this study was to construct a mind counseling ontology to efficiently facilitate the diagnosis of the diseases of mind. To determine the structure of mind counseling ontology, this study conducted analysis on structural forms available in counseling books and other related fields and adopted essential ones in the explanation of counseling. The processing of the diseases of mind was divided into three stages: cause, symptoms and counseling. The stages were analyzed one by one in terms of process, functional elements and relevant technique necessary at each stage. Design/methodology/approach – In the mind counseling list, there are 12 different diagnoses of diseases of mind that are classified into four classes. Thus, the causes, symptoms, prescription and medical history for 12 diseases of mind are defined as a higher rank concept of mind counseling ontology. The causes, symptoms, prescription and medical history consist of definition, affective characteristics and related factors, while the potential diagnosis consists of definition and risk factor. This information does specify detailed notions in the diagnosis of diseases of mind, but considering the limitation of not being able to represent all the diseases, this study enables a counseling center to give and use individual definitions of diagnostic terminology of their own. Findings – This study adopted the top-down approach, in which mind counseling ontology defines a higher rank concept, the terminology in diagnosing diseases of mind, based on the list of terms from the counseling record that specifies the abstract concepts of the diagnosis. The bottom-up approach was also incorporated, which defines the diagnostic terms extracted from the counseling record as a subordinate concept of the mind counseling ontology. Thus, the development of the mind counseling ontology involves the combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to the construction of ontology. Originality/value – This research has significance in that it deals with the fundamental problem of the mind aiming for a true change and healing of it, which is the ultimate purpose of this ontology, especially in the circumstances where research on ontology in diagnosing the diseases of mind is unprecedented.

Understanding employee turnover in humanitarian organizations

Rameshwar Dubey ◽ Angappa Gunasekaran ◽ Nezih Altay ◽ Stephen J Childe ◽ Thanos Papadopoulos

Purpose – At a time when the number and seriousness of disasters seems to be increasing, humanitarian organizations find that besides their challenging work they are faced with problems caused by a high level of turnover of staff. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the 24 variables leading to employee turnover identified by Cotton and Tuttle (1986) the authors analyse the work-related, external and personal factors affecting employee turnover in humanitarian organizations, using a survey of members of the Indian National Institute of Disaster Management. Findings – Results indicated that the three factors are present. Of the external factors, only employment perception had a factor loading over 0.7; of the work-related factors, all were significant; of the personal factors, biographical information, marital status, number of dependants, aptitude and ability and intelligence had the highest loadings. It was also shown that behavioural intentions and net expectation were not significant. Originality/value – Only a few studies reported on employee turnover and its reasons are not well understood in the context of humanitarian organizations. To address this need, the aim of this paper is to explore the personal reasons impacting employee turnover in humanitarian organizations. In the study the authors have adopted 24 variables used in Cotton and Tuttle (1986) and classified into constructs to explain turnover, and further tested the model using data gathered from humanitarian organizations.

Managing records and archives in a Hong Kong school: a case study

Eric C.K. Cheng

Purpose This study aims to explore the principles and practices for managing records with the lens of functional analysis and knowledge management by using a case study that focuses on the experience of implementing records management at a public high school in Hong Kong. Design/methodology/approach A single case study is chosen as the research method for this paper. A series of qualitative interviews and documentary analysis were used to collect and triangulate the qualitative data. Findings The results show that the case school adopted a hybrid top-down and bottom-up approach to record management, facilitate decision-making and manage knowledge. The school adopted the taxonomy provided by the quality assurance framework as the functional classification in a digital archive in the records management system. Practical implications This study provides a set of taxonomy and a hybrid top-down and bottom-up approach to schools for ensuring that accurate information of all school activities is kept and can facilitate an effective and evidence-based, decision-making process. Social implications Identifying taxonomy and management practices for effective documentation in public schools can support planning, assist with organising the continuity of improvement plans and increase reporting and accountability to society. Originality/value This study offers a taxonomy and management approach to the literature of records management and the practices for promoting and improving records management in school.

Bottom-Up Versus Top-Down Theories of Life Satisfaction

Bruce Headey

A review of research into knowledge sharing

Purpose The purpose of this study is to summarize findings from research into knowledge sharing and to provide suggestions for further research. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review was carried out through three phases – review protocol, conducting the review and reporting the review. A thematic analysis was carried out on 61 peer reviewed studies. Findings The review looks at the impact of knowledge sharing in three categories – individual, team and organizational. The main factors studied were creativity, performance and learning. Knowledge sharing goes beyond work-related impacts and has a positive effect on team climate, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Directions for future research were identified as adopting an interaction and process perspective, investigating negative, differential and psychological impacts and improving methodology through use of qualitative and longitudinal studies. Practical implications As knowledge sharing does have positive psychological effects including enhanced job and life satisfaction it would be beneficial to build it into the organization’s well-being program. Originality/value This paper has an original approach as it is the first systematic review to be carried out on research into knowledge sharing and suggests areas for further investigation.

Exploring destination brand disengagement in a top-down policy context

Narcís Bassols ◽ Thomas Leicht

Purpose This paper aims to analyze the case of Cartagena, Colombia, as a case of a failed destination branding. It also broadens the findings by connecting them to the extant literature about place branding, thus making this paper more explanatory. It tries to fit the fieldwork’s findings into the two main streams of branding research (bottom-up vs top-down). This paper also gives practical insights into the destination’s network of stakeholders and discusses ways to improve the destination’s management and branding. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses a mixed methodology approach. Field work consisted of online questionnaire to hospitality employees in the city plus semi-structured interviews conducted with 18 “expert” stakeholders in the destination. This paper is of empirical nature. Findings The main cause of the destination’s brand failure is found to be the top-down approach to the place brand strategy. The literature shows that cases such as this one are more common than assumed, and a possible way out of the problem is the application of bottom-up or “mixed” approaches, as these may circumvent the problems found. Research limitations/implications Cases like this one illustrate very well a local context but might be difficult to transfer to other contexts, so the generalization power of this paper is limited to similar places in the sociopolitical sense of the term. Practical implications For place branding practitioners and destination management organizations , this paper is a call for participative approaches which include all of the stakeholders of a place. Originality/value This paper offers an in-depth study of a branding case in Latin America, a part of the world relatively unexplored in the branding literature. On the basis of the presented case, this paper pitches top-down versus bottom-up approaches. Finally, it explains the findings by connecting the place to its broad geographical context.

Social- and healthcare managers' work wellbeing – literature review and key informant interviews

Niina Herttuala ◽ Lauri Kokkinen ◽

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to describe factors that support and prevent managers' work wellbeing by reviewing international studies and interviewing Finnish social- and healthcare managers.Design/methodology/approachTwenty-two studies were identified in the systematic literature search. Seven social care and healthcare managers were recruited to participate in thematic interviews. Data were analyzed by using content analysis.FindingsSupportive and preventive factors for managers' work wellbeing were identified in the literature review, including managerial position, decision latitude, job control, social support and ethical culture at the workplace. The interviews further suggested that the supportive and preventive factors affecting social and healthcare managers' work wellbeing could be divided into five broad categories: (1) Individual factors, (2) Social factors, (3) Professional support from one's own manager, (4) Work-related factors and (5) Organizational factors.Originality/valueWe conducted a systematic literature search together with expert interviews to find the factors most crucial to managers' work wellbeing. These findings can assist social and healthcare organizations and policymakers to pay attention to these factors as well as in policies guiding them.

Developing leadership attributes that make academic employees feel more positive

Purpose This paper aims to review the latest management developments across the globe and pinpoint practical implications from cutting-edge research and case studies. Design/methodology/approach This briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and places the articles in context. Findings This research paper concentrates on modeling the extent to which four employee leadership attributes translate to stimulating an individual employee's own work-related attitudes. A survey of Malaysian university-employed academics revealed that executive, innovative, adaptive, and effective employee leadership attributes all contribute to boosting work-related attitudes in the form of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and career satisfaction. Innovative and executive leadership attributes proved to be the most powerfully positive catalysts of the identified work-related attitudes. Originality/value The briefing saves busy executives and researchers hours of reading time by selecting only the very best, most pertinent information and presenting it in a condensed and easy-to-digest format.

An Investigation of Personality Traits in Relation to Job and Career Satisfaction of Information Technology Professionals

John W. Lounsbury ◽ Lauren Moffitt ◽ Lucy W. Gibson ◽ Adam W. Drost ◽ Mark Stevens

Personality traits were examined in relation to job satisfaction and career satisfaction for 1059 information technology (IT) professionals. As hypothesized, eight traits were significantly related to both job and career satisfaction: Assertiveness, Emotional Resilience, Extraversion, Openness, Teamwork Disposition, Customer Service Orientation, Optimism, and Work Drive. Regression analyses indicated that sets of three and four traits accounted for 17 and 25%, respectively, of job and career satisfaction variance. As expected, career satisfaction correlations were of generally higher magnitude than corresponding job satisfaction correlations. Results were interpreted in terms of IT research and theorizing. The findings that Extraversion and Teamwork Disposition were related to job and career satisfaction contravenes job descriptions and career planning advice, suggesting that independent introverts are better suited for IT work. Given that adult personality is antecedent to work experiences, it was suggested that future research proposing to show the effects of work-related factors such as pay and challenge on job or career satisfaction should first control for personality traits. Other practical and theoretical implications were noted.

Tourism as a Pathway to the Good Life: Comparing the Top–Down and Bottom–Up Effects

Chun-Chu Chen ◽ Sukjoon Yoon

This research examined the relationships among tourism, well-being, and novelty-seeking as a personality trait based on the top–down and bottom–up theories of well-being. A structural model that includes a direct effect of novelty-seeking on life satisfaction (top–down influence) and an indirect effect through tourism experiences (bottom–up influence) were proposed and tested using a sample of 556 American residents. Results showed that novelty-seekers were well aware of travel benefits and traveled more frequently. It was also found that the top–down influence of novelty-seeking on life satisfaction was significantly greater than the bottom–up influence. These findings highlight the crucial role of personality as a predictor of well-being as well as the importance of applying positive psychology principles to further enhance the potential contribution of tourism experiences to tourists’ well-being.




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