Tobacco Retail Dealer License

You must have a Tobacco Retail Dealer license to sell cigarettes or tobacco products directly to consumers. The New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) issues this license.

DO NOT SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION IF YOUR BUSINESS IS OR CONTAINS A PHARMACY. NYC law prohibits pharmacies and businesses that contain pharmacies from obtaining Tobacco Retail Dealer licenses.

***Important: Community District Caps***
Community district caps for Tobacco Retail Dealer licenses took effect February 24, 2018. For a list of the current community district caps, visit NYC Open Data at and search “tobacco retail dealer.”

You can submit this application only if:

*If you meet one of these exceptions to the cap, you must submit the Tobacco Retail Dealer Cap Exception Certification and supporting documentation. See the form for more information.

Monitor for updates about community district caps.