What is Fineness of Cement?

The strength and durability of the structure depend on the properties of cement.

The fineness of the cement test is conducted to find whether the cement has been grind well or not.

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What is the fineness of cement?

The fineness represents the particle size of cement. It should not be greater than 90-microns when sieved as per IS standard.

Importance of fineness of cement

How it is measured?

The fineness of cement is determined by the sieving method.

It is measured by the ratio between coarse particles (which retained in 90-micron sieve analysis) to the fineness particles (which passed through the sieve analysis).

IS code – The test should be conducted as per IS code 4031 Part 1, and the test sample should be collected as per IS code 3535.

Fineness of Cement Test Apparatus

Apparatus Required

Test Procedure


Fineness of cement = (W2/W1) x 100

The test has to be done with at least three samples from the same batch. The average value is the fineness of the cement.

The ratio between the test samples should not be greater than 0.2% if else then repeat the test. The retaining cement particles in sieve should not be more than 10%.

Lab Report

SI Description Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
1 Weight of cement sample W1
2 Weight of retained cement in sieve W2
3 Percentage of Fineness

The fineness ratio will differ based on the types of cement .
